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3 goings-on this week at Magenta!

We’ve come to the end of our first week in April and it only rained once outside the Magenta office! Definitely a 2018 record. Spring has truly sprung and we’re all looking forward to some enjoying some more hours of sunshine.

With today, 6th April, we’ve also entered a brand new tax year, meaning a whole new set of allowances and exemptions to be used. Coupled with the end of the 2017/18 tax year it’s been a busy week for us, but it’s always rewarding to be actively improving so many of our clients’ finances at once during times like this.

As well as our work in the office, Gretchen went to visit Bridgend College on Thursday to see how we may be able to encourage more women into finance, as well as brainstorming some help we will be able to provide to Weston House – a specialist residential unit for students.

All in all, it’s been a great week here. We hope you’ve enjoyed yours too!

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