Yesterday, Julie, Rebecca and Gretchen travelled to London for the Professional Adviser Awards. Magenta were shortlisted in 3 categories. Sadly we didn’t win an award this year, but were awarded Highly Commended for Best Client Engagement. Thank you for all your support and well wishes!

It’s been an interesting week in the financial press. Headline grabbing dramatics of huge loses and doom and gloom. Certainly we have seen the return of some volatility in the markets after a period of stability and calm.

We wanted to write something about this but then we received an email today from Carl Richards, A Certified Financial Planner in the USA and we thought we would share it with you as it’s just what we were thinking!

“Imagine being in a boat in the ocean on a very still day. No wind. No swell. The water is as flat as a mirror. The calm goes on for just long enough for you start to feel like it’s normal.

Then when a small wave comes, it feels huge, and regular waves feel enormous.

As scary as it might feel…remember waves are normal. Occasional storms are normal. And the last thing you want to do when you get into one is abandon ship.” (Carl Richards, Behavior Gap)

Market turbulence can feel scary, but periods of uncertainty and stormy waters just reiterate the importance of holding a globally diverse portfolio, tailored to your individual circumstances and personal risk tolerance.

We haven’t received any calls from clients this week about the markets – they know we have it all under control and can sleep easily in their beds!