Wow! What a week!
More awards….
Last Friday Julie and Gretchen hosted a table at the 5th Bridgend Business Forum Awards with clients and professional connections. We had a wonderfully glitzy evening and Magenta won Start-Up Company of the Year!
We are thrilled to receive this accolade from the local business community – in recognition of all the hard work the entire team have put in over the last year.
Filming for the BBC…
Yesterday we were asked to film for BBC Wales to speak about our involvement in the Agile Nation project, run by Chwarae Teg and funded by the European Union.
Magenta have benefited from the support of their Employer Program and also the employee personal development program that Gretchen has been able to attend, enabling her to achieve her Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) Level 2 Award.
Our interview will be aired as part of the BBC Wales Politics show on Sunday at 11am.

World Financial Planning day…
It was World Financial Planning day on Wednesday and Magenta was involved via all the social media platforms using the hastag #WFPD17.
Launched by the Financial Planning Standards Board, World Financial Planning day has been started to encourage and support consumers in achieving their financial and life goals and to increase consumers’ level of financial literacy and capability.
Only 22% of consumers feel strongly confident that they will achieve their financial goals in life
Only 17% believe strongly in their financial know-how
19% feel they are successful at sticking to their financial strategies.
World Financial Planning day saw Magenta along with other Certified Financial Planners using social media to help promote consumer awareness and understanding of financial planning topics including debt management; preparing for an unexpected financial emergency; home ownership; building savings; investment planning; and preparing for retirement.
Much debate was had about the need for financial literacy to be taught in schools, how important understanding basic money issues is – in taking control of your financial life and the advantages of working with a Certified Financial Planning firm.
Did you know there’s only 170,000 Certified Financial Planner’s worldwide and Magenta has 2 of them?!