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Can I afford retirement? (The Barbie Story)

Barbie is 60! My goodness where did that time go?

Oh and doesn’t she still look amazing – lovely figure, beautiful skin and such long legs!

But as the plastic blonde bombshell wanders off to her retirement dreamhouse, we got to wondering about the state of her finances and the plans she has made for the future.

What will she do with her time; what is she passionate about; what is important to her; what is her new purpose in life, and crucially does she have the financial wherewithal to pursue her passions and feel happy and secure?

And what about Ken – are they still married? Did they get divorced? Did Barbie get a good settlement?

Over the years Barbie has had no fewer than 200 different jobs – starting with a modelling career in the 1960s, she has been an airline pilot; a dentist, a police officer, a builder, a film star and of course a princess. Interestingly we can see nothing on her CV about being a financial planner!

She must have pensions all over the place and it seems unlikely that she ever had time to sit down and organise her finances! Perhaps now is the time she should think about consolidating all her various arrangements and simplifying her money situation so she has a clearer idea of whether she can pursue all her retirement dreams.

We are sure Barbie would be a lovely client to work with and look forward to her phone call.

If you think that your financial situation feels a bit like Barbie’s, do get in touch, we would love to work with you too.

With thanks to Moira O’Neill of the Financial Times

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