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Common pursuits that rob us of Happiness

“Happiness is not a destination, it’s a way of life.”

Happiness. Everyone looks for happiness in different ways and in different places. Some people think that money can buy it. Some think we can earn it. Others may look for it in a new job, new relationship, new home, or a new achievement.

Sometimes happiness can be elusive…… we search so desperately for it, but just struggle to find it.  Maybe it is because the activities and signs we have set for ourselves to judge our happiness by are actually keeping us from it.

So, we’ve put together this list of things that could be holding you back and distracting you from happiness. Each of them are really common in most people’s lives, but rather than contributing to our happiness, maybe they are robbing us of it…..

Chasing wealth. Studies confirm it over and over again: once our most basic needs have been met, money contributes very little to our overall happiness. The things that add more to our happiness, like family, friends, experiences and relaxation are rarely tied directly to money. And yet, we continue to pursue more wealth and money as if it holds the secret key to lasting joy.

Trying to please everybody. We are never going to please everybody. At some point, we will hold an unpopular opinion – one that gives us meaning and purpose and passion. And when we do, we ought to hold on to it desperately – believing in something – be this a social cause, spiritual thinking, political view – is where you can find real happiness.

Desiring a picture-perfect life. Happiness is not something we discover only after everything is perfect with our lives (our jobs, our appearance, our relationships). If that were the case, none of us would ever experience happiness. This world is imperfect – always will be. But happiness can still be found once we realise perfection is not a prerequisite.

Following the crowd. The crowd rarely has our best interests in mind. Instead, they primarily seek their own benefit. Scientists call this crowd mentality – and more often than not, following the crowd leads to destructive behaviours rather than life enhancing. By looking beyond the popular and what everyone else is doing we push ourselves to think about what will really bring happiness to our lives.

Feathering your own nest. The size of our universe shrinks dramatically when we place ourselves at the centre. Living selfishly for our own personal gain will never produce lasting happiness and fulfilment. Our lives are designed to be lived for something far greater. Give back, donate your time or effort for others, help out friends and family, or just support people around you.

Succumbing to fear. Given the chance, fear will always cripple happiness. It will steal your life and potential. Living your fullest life will require courage to push yourself out of your comfort zone, take chances and try new things. Sometimes you will fail – but with dedication, hard work and effort – most of the time, you will succeed – or become better because of it.

Happiness is not something to be chased. It is a decision to be made – do you need to make some changes in your life for your happiness?

Call us for a friendly chat and make 2018 the year you make changes in your finances and focus on your life goals and happiness!

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