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How ‘pink noise’ can improve your sleep and memory

‘PINK NOISE’ (Magenta!) may be the secret to improving your sleep and memory

It’s official – Magenta can improve your health and memory as you age!

Deep sleep is critical to maintaining a robust memory, but both of these decline with age, as older people tend to get less slow-wave sleep and are at greater risk of memory impairment.

A small study featured on suggests that one easy way for adults to get deeper sleep and to improve memory, is to listen to a certain soothing sound called “pink noise.”

Pink noise is a mix of high and low frequencies that sounds more balanced and natural than its better-known cousin, “white noise.”

The new study shows that after analyzing the participants sleep waves, they found that people’s slow wave activity (SWA) increased on the nights they were soothed by the playing of pink noise.

As part of the test, the researchers had 13 adults over 60 sleep for two nights in a sleep lab. On both nights, the participants took a memory test at night and went to sleep wearing headphones and an electrode cap. In the morning, they repeated the test.

On one of the nights, they were played bursts of pink noise during deep sleep. The other night, no noise was played. And it turned out that on the night when they listened to the pink noise, they did three times better on the memory tests than on the night they didn’t listen to anything.

What is pink noise?

According to Live Science, white noise and pink noise are similar in that both are audible to humans.

The difference is in the way their signal power is distributed. While white noise has equal power per hertz throughout all frequencies, the power per hertz decreases in pink noise as the frequency increases.

That means that the lower frequencies in pink noise are louder.

Pink noise occurs in a number of natural sounds – from traffic flow to heartbeats. And apparently, it’s also used in businesses to mask low-frequency background sound, which is believed to increase productivity and concentration.

So, how do I get it?

All you’ve got to do is type ‘pink noise’ into YouTube to find hours and hours of the stuff.

Whether or not pink noise works for you, it’s always important to think about your sleep schedule and make sure you’re getting enough rest to maintain your memory!

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