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It’s Good Money Week!

This is the week when those in our profession and the investment industry focus on money that’s good for people, the planet, and your pocket.

This is a national campaign to help grow and raise awareness of sustainable, responsible, and ethical finance.

It’s not just about having a large sum of money to invest. The bank or pension fund you choose, regardless of the amount you have, can still make a significant impact on your investments.

Selecting sustainable and ethical banks, pensions, and investments is a way to avoid contributing to companies that support negative practices such as child labour, modern slavery, low pay, pollution, and the climate crisis.

Similar to choosing organic products or supporting local fair trade, opting for sustainable and ethical money options is an impactful way to contribute towards creating a better world.

At Magenta, we’ve been an advocate for ‘good’ investing for many years.

Around 75% of all our new clients say they would like to play their part in helping to make the world a better place, however small their contribution.

We’ve even written a guide about it – Magenta’s Green Money Guide – which focuses on the different options, details about the UN sustainable goals, things you may need to consider and also some journaling questions around your thoughts, beliefs and values.

You can download our guide HERE

If you know someone who would be interested in our guide, please forward this on to them, or ask them to visit our dedicated webpage about Positive Impact investment here.

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