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Julie’s Retirement Blog – Part 2

Part 2. Well, another month of retirement has gone by and I have travelled precisely NOWHERE!

My travel bucket list is getting longer as I have more time to read about exciting destinations. I definitely have the FOMO (fear of missing out) feeling!

We had planned another trip in Ronnie Rapido the Motor Home at the end of October. That was scuppered by the lockdown in Wales, meaning we couldn’t leave the Country!

So, this month, there is not a great deal to report. I have been focussing on building our new retirement home and anyone who has built a house from scratch, will know that this can be very challenging.

The house is in the beautiful Welsh countryside. With a lovely view of rolling fields, hills and a distant glimpse of the Bristol Channel from the top floor.

Here is a photo of progress so far;

Frustrations arise when the tradesmen don’t do what they say they will. Or don’t come when they have promised. Or don’t bring the rights tools, fittings etc. Or put a wire, or a pipe, in the wrong place!

I do have some sympathy though. The global pandemic has meant that although construction workers can carry on working, they often can’t get the materials or components they need to complete the job.

Hey ho – it will all come together in the end and there is no rush.

Our lovely electrician decided to make a new sign for the house when he left last week – it needs a bit more work I think!

It’s always good to look at the funny side of things!

One less funny thing that has happened this month is that my youngest daughter Annie, who is in her first term at Birmingham Uni studying Human Geography, tested positive for Covid 19!

Thankfully she only had mild symptoms, but it did mean that she spent her birthday in isolation, and we couldn’t give her any presents or cake! She was properly miserable, bless her.

At the time of writing, we are all going into lockdown again in the hope that we can arrest the spread of the virus in time for Christmas.

No one knows if this strategy will work of course, but fingers crossed that we can spend Christmas with at least a few of our friends and family.

Best wishes to all and please stay safe.

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