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Magenta is 6!

Another year has flown by, and this week, Magenta is celebrating 6 years in business!

As you can imagine, a lot has happened over six years, and the business has certainly changed from those early first days, with new technology, new faces and a new office!

Firstly, we’d like to say “Thank You” to each and every one of our amazing clients for your continued business and loyal support.

We’ve had many hurdles to face with Brexit, the pandemic and now navigating such a tricky economic climate, but these challenges make our business, and its people more resilient and these years have still come with some wonderful opportunities for growth and client engagement.

This year’s SIX successes!

  1. A regular and returning client base and positive revenue growth;

  2. Multiple awards wins and recognition in the profession of being one of the best financial planning firms in the UK;

  3. Continuous learning to benefit customers and to gain new business;

  4. A consistent client service team, who work tirelessly to provide the excellent service everyone is used to receiving as a Magenta client;

  5. A successful retirement for Julie who is certainly ‘walking the talk’ and Gretchen, Jamie and Jess continue to serve her existing clients, without any significant disruption or change;

  6. A team who give back to the profession, mentoring and shaping best financial planning practice for the future.

Thank you, once again, to those who have helped Magenta flourish over the past six years and helped us continue to grow and go from strength to strength.

Here’s to year 7!

If you would like to join us at Magenta for the exciting future ahead, whether as a new client looking to plan a happy and fulfilling future life, or as a member of our planning team to expand your horizons, do call us for a friendly chat on 01656 760670.

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