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Sorry – you can’t retire until you are 68!

This is the message sent last week to people born between 6th April 1970 and 5th April 1978 and this is starting 7 years earlier than originally planned.

But is this message correct? Well, yes, it is for all those people who can’t, won’t or don’t do any real financial planning, but for those who understand the importance of getting their finances in order so they have sufficient wealth to deal with all life’s interesting stages, with twists and turns along the way, it will pose no problems.

We don’t HAVE TO work until we are 68many people stop much earlier. In fact, we can all stop working whenever we like if we have enough money to do so. We have more freedom to do this than ever before.

Do you know if and when you will have enough?

If not, call for a friendly chat.

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