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Walks on the beach and stockings in bed …. champagne bubbles which tickle your nose – these ar

Inspired by the classic 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein song, the Magenta team have rounded up our favourite Christmas traditions to share with you – and if you’d like to share your own – we’d love to hear about yours too!

Bubbles and a lovely memory

Since my Granny passed away, every year on Christmas Day as a family we walk round to the Church yard to say hello and we pop the champagne and eat a Ferrero Rocher (her favourite). Gretchen

A Muppet movie

Watching Muppet Christmas Carol – every year since it came out in 1992!! – 27 years now – my VHS copy is so fuzzy we had to buy a new DVD last year! Mandy

A bracing walk

A walk along the beach to blow the cobwebs out! Rebecca

Time with family

My favourite thing is spending time with family and especially my beautiful granddaughter who now makes Christmas extra special! Valerie

Stocking fun

My very favourite tradition is having my daughters (now 21 and 18) come and sit on my bed on Christmas morning to open their stockings! Julie

We have a family Christmas Day tradition whereby we go on a little afternoon pub crawl around the village where my parents live. It is one of my favourite parts of the whole festive period as we see lots of family and friends and everyone is obviously in a jolly good mood. Clairelouise

Dad in the kitchen

My Dad cooks only one day a year, on Christmas Day! He starts the turkey nice and early before we all get up as he’s an early riser and he has a special stuffing he makes, but I personally think he makes it up every time! Jessica

Early starts and cheesy TV

We get woken by the children (usually around 6!) and they open their stockings upstairs then we go downstairs to see what Santa has brought us! Christmas day breakfast is salmon, egg and hollandaise sauce muffins (swapping the salmon for veggie bacon for me). We go out to a local pub/restaurant for Christmas dinner and afterwards we spend Christmas night just us and the kids to catch up on Christmas Day TV and eat lots of cheese and biscuits – washed down with Baileys! Carly

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