December is upon us!

If we had a pound for every time we uttered the words ‘I can’t believe another year has passed already’ we’d be well on our way to the Seychelles by now- no doubt with many of you in tow!

Whilst 2018 has certainly whizzed by, it has been a year of great opportunity and growth here at Magenta. This month we’ll be reflecting over some of our favourite moments, whilst looking forward to what the year ahead holds. Keep an eye on our social media for more!

As we chatted amongst ourselves mulling over our year highlights, we realised that it’s only on reflection that we truly appreciate how much we have achieved- both personally and professionally. We can often get so caught up in the more stressful and less positive day-to-day activities that we fail to see the strides we are making on a micro as well as a macro level.

That’s why we made our Magenta Gratitude Planner. Our free gratitude planner print out is available for you to download. Each day has spaces for you to record your small, but never insignificant, daily successes. You can use the diary to note down something you have been grateful for each day. Even if your day or week hasn’t quite panned out how you hoped, finding a small victory or element to be grateful for can provide you with a real mental boost.

We’re also putting a version up on our Instagram channel. We’ll be filling it in throughout the year and saving them onto our stories. Hopefully when Christmas 2019 rolls round, we’ll have a vast array of moments to look back at and smile over as we enter into the new decade (eek!). Pop over to our Instagram channel and join in- we’d love to see yours!

Let’s enter into 2019 with a positive mind and grateful heart.

If you know of someone who would enjoy the Gratitude Planner, feel free to share this page with them!

Download your free planner here- Free Gratitude Planner: