Last year we launched our Green Guide and this month we’re officially launching our Financial Planning Guide for Women – just in time for International Women’s Day next month.
Many of you may be thinking, why a specific guide for women, why would this be a different guide than it would be for anyone else?
At Magenta, we believe that women deserve dedicated attention when it comes to matters related to money, finance, and planning.
There are several valid reasons for this, which in our experience can be addressed with some extra attention and effort on our part.
Women often do not have the same opportunities as men to earn money, because they may need to take time out of their careers to raise children and/or care for family members.
The gender pay gap still exists. Besides the ‘traditional roles’ that women take on being those of lower salary, many women do not have the necessary confidence or information to enable them to challenge the salary they are being offered.
When it comes to financial matters, many women defer to their (usually male)partners and consequently have little or no knowledge of their financial position.
Divorce or separation often leaves women in precarious financial situations.
Many women think differently to men about money – studies show they are often more successful with investments because they are more cautious and less likely to chop and change.
Research shows women retire with two-thirds as much money as men do, but live six to eight years longer.
What does this guide provide?
Magenta’s new guide does four things:
Highlights the need for women to really get to grip with their money and finances and where they can start;
Provides 12 steps to follow for better financial control, including considering contingency planning, expenditure, short and longer term goals;
Provides space for journaling as part of the document, to enable action to be taken immediately;
Gives useful extra information and further reading.
As a predominantly female firm, we understand the special challenges women face when dealing with their money and future planning.
We understand from personal experience that it’s often also about breaking down your psychological barriers around, ‘not being good at maths, and not understanding finance, or that you just let your partner deal with this ‘sort of thing’.
Our specialism lies in assisting women to feel more in control of their financial situation and understand the jargon that so often intimidates women when dealing with financial services and we’ve written this guide to help women start to think about their next steps.
You can download the guide Here and if this resonates with you please do get in touch or Book a meeting with us today to start your planning!
Please also feel free to share this content with anyone you think may find this of interest – The finest compliment we can receive is a referral from a satisfied client.